What a busy year.. Julian has experienced and learned so much (makes you wonder how anyone would have time for school)! I often think my boys don't do much, but when annual review time comes around I realise how much they really did and that growth and learning happen all the time.
geb. 1969, Bibliothekarin, Autorin des Buches "Schulfrei: Lernen ohne Grenzen" und Webmaster des Informationszentrums Leben ohne Schule (www.leben-ohne-schule.de);
Julian Mohsennia, geb. 21.11.1998, begeisterter Unschooler
1 Kommentar:
What a busy year.. Julian has experienced and learned so much (makes you wonder how anyone would have time for school)! I often think my boys don't do much, but when annual review time comes around I realise how much they really did and that growth and learning happen all the time.
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